Friday 18 January 2013

Hitchcock haterade is held back as the birds' stars celebrate 50 years

it has been nearly 50 years since the release of alfred hitchcock's film about a northern california town that becomes the target of flocks of attack birds' helen known as the film's star but also as the target of hitchcock's abuse, abstained from airing her compaints

Saturday 12 January 2013

israel father of 67 kids seeks 9th wife

it about a man name emek hefer, israel--- who has eight wives and 67 children, shahadeh abu arrar has given new meaning to the term family man' abu arrar, 58 is a member of israel's impovenshed bedouin arab community
there are many women who wish to marry me and there is no lack of women' abu arrar, whose oldest child is 37 years was photographed by the newspaper in a long bedouin robe and head covered' while islam allows